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The Crocodile And The Monkey

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The Crocodile And The Monkey Little Bit TV

Once upon a time,

a monkey, lived in a cosy home,

high up on a rose-apple tree.

Although he lived alone,

he was a cheerful little monkey.

There was no reason for him not to be.

His home, on the banks of a river,

was always full of delicious rose apples.

He was very happy.

One day, the monkey had a visitor.

It was a tired crocodile

who had swum a long distance looking for food

and was exhausted.

He stopped below the rose apple tree.

Seeing his condition, the monkey said,

‘Relax! Look no further!’

He then plucked the juiciest fruit

from his tree and threw it down to the crocodile.

One, then another and another.

The hungry crocodile gobbled them all up.

The two chatted and very soon were good friends.

Each day, the crocodile would arrive with different stories,

of his travels, which he shared with his friend.

The monkey, in turn, would store the juiciest fruits for his friend.

On his return home, the crocodile was always in a very good mood.

The crocodile had a very jealous and suspicious wife.

‘What has suddenly made you so happy?’

she asked the crocodile one day.

‘Hmmm, I’ve found a new friend,’

said the crocodile, smiling, and he began to tell his wife about his adventures.

‘Should I get you one of the fruit too?’ asked the crocodile?

Now the crocodile’s wife was very greedy.

‘If the rose apples are so juicy and delicious,’ she thought,

‘imagine, what the monkey’s heart must be like.’

Would you really like to make me happy?’ she asked her husband.

‘Anything, for you my dear,’ replied the crocodile.

‘Very well then, get me the heart of your friend.

I’m sure, it’s far more delicious than

all the rose apples on the tree,’ she said with a grin.

The crocodile was shocked and hurt at his wife’s demands.

But he lived to please her.

He somehow had to think of a plan to trick his friend the monkey.

On his next visit, he asked his friend,

‘Would you like to come over for dinner,

my wife would love to meet you.’

The monkey was honoured to be invited

by his dear friend and agreed immediately.

Although the monkey was an expert when it came to swinging on trees,

he was quite scared of the water.

Trusting his friend, he jumped onto the crocodile’s back,

and the two were soon on their way.

When they reached the centre of the river,

the crocodile began to slowly slide deep into the water.

Careful, careful, my friend, I’m no swimmer,

I’ll surely drown!” yelled the frightened monkey.

‘That’s just what I intend to do,’ said the crocodile, sadly.

My wife is certain that your heart will be far juicier, tastier and more delicious

than all the rose apples on the tree.

She wants to eat it for dinner.’

Now, the monkey may have been frightened,

but he was also an extremely clever creature.

Oh! Wait my dear friend.

Did you say my heart? Why didn’t you tell me before?’ cried the monkey.

‘I’ve left my heart at home.

How can we disappoint your wife?

Turn around, quickly.

I’ll rush up the tree and get it for her.’

Without thinking, the crocodile did a U-turn

and was swimming swiftly back towards the monkey’s home.

The moment they reached the river bank,

the monkey gave one big leap to safety.

As he climbed higher and higher, up to his home in the tree,

he looked down sadly at his friend and said, ‘I trusted you.

You let me down.

Your wife may be greedy, but you are the most foolish crocodile I have ever seen.’

Ha Ha Ha!  Have you ever heard of a heart being left on a tree?

It’s right here, beating away inside me!’ laughed the monkey.

With tears in his eyes. The crocodile turned away and swam sadly back to his greedy wife.

His foolishness had cost him his dear friend.

The End

Thank you for joining us on Little Bit TV, the podcast where we strive to build a love for literature, one story at a time. We hope that you enjoyed this episode and that it sparked your imagination and curiosity. Remember to keep exploring the magical world of books and storytelling, and to always let your imagination soar. Do consider subscribing to our channel for such beautiful stories. Until next time, keep listening and keep dreaming!